
Impacting Communities.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Our Ministries

All our ministries are focused on


Christians must be focused, intentional, and purposeful with their time and recourses. Only then, with the power of the Holy Spirit, will we be able to complete The Great Commission.

Because jesus Can

About Us

Christians Alliances is a 501-C-3 Nonprofit international missionary, disciple-making, and church-planting organization blessed to serve the King Of Kings, Jesus Christ!.

Christians must be focused, intentional, and purposeful with their time and recourses. Only then, with the power of the Holy Spirit, will we be able to complete The Great Commission.

The USA and The 10/40 window. Home to over 96% of the world’s unreached people groups, the 10/40 Window is the most significant geographic region for Christians to direct their focus in order to fulfill the Great Commission.

We Believe in one God, Creator of all things, holy, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in a loving unity of three equally divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

how can you help

Support our ministry, volunteer, make disciples of your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors




Native Missionary Church Planters


thousand printed Bibles and Training materials

Real people.
Real transformation

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All Reviews
“Having clean water would be like having a peaceful and happy life.”
Madina, Ethiopia
“We have cried out for clean water, but nobody has given us an ear yet.”
Kawo, Dodola
Join Us

Start a Disciple-Making- Disciple Ministry in your church today

The Great Awakening Sermon Series teaches, through the scriptures, that Jesus has commissioned every believer to share their faith.

Join Us

Sponsor a Native Missionary Church Planter

Few of us are in a position to uproot our families and move to a foreign country to become missionaries. But we can Support a NATIVE MISSIONARY in an unreached nation today.

Join us

Sponsor a Bible printing and distribution campaign.

Our mission is to bring the holy scriptures to the most remote and unreached people groups residing within the 10/40 window. We strive to print and distribute bibles to those who have never had access to them before.

coming summer of 2024
Because he jesus can

Disciple-Making-Disciple Sermon Series Happening NOW!

Theses are just a few churches preaching the sermon series now

View all events



Shiloh Christian Church
  • Sun, Dec 4 to Jan 4
  • Service 9:00 AM and 10:30Am AM
  • 123 Main Street, Middletown, CT



Oasis of Life Church
  • Sun, Dec 23 to Feb 1
  • Service 9:30 AM
  • 123 Coles Av, Cromwell, CT
Our Mission

Making Disciples Of All Nations​

Christians Alliances is a 501-C-3 Nonprofit domestic as well as international missionary, disciple making and church planting organization which is blessed to serve the King-Of-Kings, Jesus Christ, according to His perfect will and for His glory alone!.