Disciples Making Disciples

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Therefore Go Forth

And Make Disciples

Of All Nations



7 in 10 unchurch Americans (71%) say a Christian has NEVER SHARED with them, one-on-one, how a person can become a Christian.

HOWEVER, close to half of the unchurch Americans (47%) say they would discuss freely if someone wanted to share their faith

The Power Of Acts and Exponential Growth

Christians Alliance encourages local pastors to begin a Disciple-Making-Disciple (DMD) sermon series in their existing church.

The existing church members are taught how to disciple their friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers. (fishers of men)

These new disciples, in turn, start discipling their friends, families, neighbors, and co-workers (fishers of men), and the whole process repeats itself. Over, and over!

Sermon Series Resources

  • Five Sermon Outlines
  • Scripture References
  • DMD Cards
  • Presentation Slides
  • Testimonial Videos
  • Inspirational Video
  • New Believer’s Video
  • Scripture Verse Contact Cards
  • DMD Online Training Course
  • Google Ad Application

Disciple Making Disciples

Five Part Sermon Series

Man in Black Leather Jacket Singing

Great Commission

The Great Commission or the Great Suggestion? The Great Commission applies to all Christians, as demonstrated throughout the Books of Acts.


Disciple-making is not a passive activity. It requires an intentional, strategic, and Holy Spirit-directed life.

Holy Spirit

Allowing the Holy Spirit to prepare the heart is critical for true discipleship to take hold. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing.

If You Love Me

Genuine service cannot be separated from love. We can go through the motions of serving God, but if our hearts are not in it, we’re missing the point.

Spiritual Eyes

The Holy Spirit is constantly speaking, guiding, and empowering us. Hearing the Holy Spirit requires living your life with intentionality, spiritual awareness, and Godly purpose.

Discipleship Video Resources

They say that if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures.

Testimonials Videos.

Testimonial videos your church members can text or email to individuals on their DMD cards.

New Believer’s Videos

Salvation is the beginning of the journey.This series of videos trains new believersin the word of God.

Inspirational Videos

Videos to inspire your church members and the individuals on their DMD cards

DMD Online Training Course

The online training course consists of short video lessons on how to disciple.

$10K Google Ad Grants


100% Free Services

Disciple Making Disciple Cards

DMD Contact card